Gallery: Alison Cooke

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For the residency Alison was based in Suffolk's coastal town of Lowestoft, which formerly had a large herring fishing industry. "The coastline around Lowestoft is rapidly eroding and will be greatly impacted by rising sea levels due to climate change; the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy is all the more relevant for locals". Alison engaged 100 residents in making tiles, with a diamond motif that reference both the shapes within fishing nets and the new style pylons. The project, Earth Wind & Fired celebrates “what Lowestoft has always done - harness the wind".

Visit or Instagram:alison.cooke to see more work

1: Turbine dock and sea
2: Pakefield beach
3: Lowestoft till
4: Colourway
5: Poster - Earth, Wind & Fired (A2)
6: 4km below the North Sea
7: Spin, Spin
8: Wing & Core
9: End
10: Studio floor
11: Floodline
