The changes taking place within much of the energy, water and communications sectors are profound and companies, regulators and policy makers are all impacted. Arguably there needs to be a similarly profound cultural change within these sectors if they are to deliver economic, social and environmental wellbeing. This report analyses how organisational culture, especially within these essential services, can support this much-needed transformation. 


This briefing summarises a short literature review of culture and organisational change in private firms and public bodies (government departments and regulators), and in public utilities.  This research is part of our Sustainability Principles Project, which is looking at how a principles-based approach to change can support public utilities, and potentially actors in other sectors, in the move to a more sustainable future. 


Why is a principles-based approach to change important in essential services, and how can principles be used to support the change in behaviours and cultures and embed a more sustainable approach in public utilities? In February 2022 we held a high-level roundtable exploring these two questions. This document summarises the key findings from the event, held under Chatham House Rules

