Gallery: Isabella Martin
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For Isabella, the residency was part of ongoing research into sea shanties and their rhythms - call-and-response songs sung by sailors to keep time with each other while working at sea. In exploring the role of movement and time, Isabella worked with Year 4 children at Wells Primary School and collaborated in mapping the coast and thinking about the future. “We looked in particular at the international code of signals - a system of signals and codes used at sea to communicate between vessels.”
Visit or Instagram: isabella.r.martin to see more work
Wells Community Hospital’s singing group singing sea shanty ‘Drunken Sailor'.
Sea shanty ‘Drunken Sailor’ sung by Wells Community Hospital’s singing group, to their own musical composition omitting the verses they didn’t like. The choir is led by David Saunders and composed of local care home residents and hospital staff. Drunken Sailor was sung on board a ship to accompany tasks that required a steady pace, such as hauling in ropes.
Wells Community Hospital: ‘Drunken Sailor’
Wells Primary School children singing like crabs.
Children at Wells Primary School singing like crabs accompanied by a live recording of wind and the rigging of boats on the quayside of Wells.